Welcome to G0DUI

Back on air after a 20 year break!

How I looked back then..,.

Thanks to those good guys at the Moorlands and District Amateur Radio Society (MADARS) who ran the R.A.E. courses back in those days, I was first licensed in February 1983 with the old 'class B' call sign of G6THO and, subsequently, I passed the Morse test to gain my 'class A' in December of 1985.

I was an active member for many years serving, as Club Secretary on several occasions, and gained a great deal of pleasure from eventually doing my bit for the hobby and teaching several R.A.E. classes in the early 90's.

Times change and life moves on and so, probably for financial reasons, I slowly dropped out and, according to the old log book, operations (and my license) ceased around February of 1993.

And now...

Thanks to a bit of bating from the wife, and a really good friend who should know better at his age, I've recently rediscovered the fascination of R.F. and decided to take a look at what the modern era can offer.

It all started when that same old friend turned up at the house with a classic Yaesu FRG-7700, one of the "must have" gadgets of my early teens, and asked "can you make any use of this?". This was swiftly followed by a new fangled gadget called an SDR... more of which you can find on the SDR Dongle page.

So, brand new licence in hand, I'm off on the adventure once again and looking forward to having a bit of fun.

Hopefully, these pages will tell the story of what we get up to and how it all develops.

Recent Activity

I know I shouldn't keep going on about it but honestly, operating H.F. from rural South West France is a real pleasure and a delight. Conditions on 10 and 15 have not been at all good this week but even so, today I had to cope with a pile up!

Now I don't know about you but, whenever I get more than one station replying to a C.Q., that's what I call a pile up. Today I worked Germany, UK, Brazil, Netherlands, Isle of Man, Sicily and South Africa, all off just a couple of CQ calls on 10Mtrs.

What's even better, my buddy Rick, G6VGC, in Uttoxeter came back to one of the CQ's along with a Papa Delta. The QSB was a bit severe at times but, never the less, good QSOs all round.

The plan is to make the FT-817 accessible via "the net" for remote operation when back in the U.K. but it's looking unlikely this trip. I'll just have to come back sooner than I planned for my next fix of H.F.

Check out the Picard Triple for a few more station details for F/G0DUI.

Homebrew Dual Band Dipole for 2 and 70

A while back I decided to build a homebrew dual band dipole for 2Mtrs and 70cm.

Following quite a bit of research, and more than one failed attempt, I decided to modify a design I quite liked but couldn't get to work properly on UHF.

The result is a really nice, sleek and effective dual band dipole that is performing well beyond my expectations.

I'm about to build another for Dad so I'll do my best to document it and publish the design data for anyone who is looking for an extremely low cost dual band antenna, ideal for both home and portable use.

MB7IVT - Allstar VHF Gateway

Having been running an AllStar micro-node for several months, in the middle of 2016 I decided to go the whole hog and host a V.H.F. AllStar R.F. Gateway. MB7IVT is up and running on 145.2875MHz with a CTCSS access tone of 103.5Hz. The gateway is permanently connected to HUBNet, a really good AllStar network regularly populated by a number of stations from around the world.

Thanks to Steve, M0HOY, for hosting the HUBNet servers and to Peter, G7RPG, for supplying the hardware.

Follow the links to find out more about more about AllStar and HUBNet and why not give it a try for yourself.

News and Comment
Ofcom announce the time of the Terminators
23rd March 2016

Ofcom has announced measures today to help ensure adequate spectrum is available for the "Internet of Things" or IoT. The IoT is set to enable large numbers of previously-unconnected devices to communicate and share data with one another, a process known as "Machine-to-Machine" communications (M2M). In the world of entertaniment, this is actually known as "SkyNet" and it's what brought about the "Terminator"!

Today, yet another of my heroes sadly passes away. Terry Wogan dies aged 77 following a short illness.
31st January 2016

At 9 o'clock on this wet and windy Sunday morning, the BBC announced the passing of one of my lifelong heroes, Sir Terry Wogan.

I've been a fan for longer than I can remember as Terry starred in many of my very early memories. Once my older brothers had been packed off to school, Mum and I started our day enjoying his gentle Irish lilt, witty comment and choice of music from those wonderful days.

I am a proud TOG and will remain so until my dying day.

Goodbye Terry and thank you for a lifetime of Education, Entertainment and Information.

BBC Full Story
A new approach to tackling pirate radio has eradicated the problem in one London borough, and could save up to £1 million for Londoners by being rolled out across the capital.
2nd November 2015

Ofcom has been working in north London, one of the UK's most affected areas, with housing body Homes for Haringey. In 2014, 19 pirate radio stations were illegally broadcasting in Haringey. By quickly removing their transmitters and regularly patrolling and securing rooftops, pirate radio has now been eradicated in the borough.

OFCOM Report
Lewis does it again!
1st November 2015

You wait all your life for an F1 Championship to come along and then you go and get 3!

Lewis Hamilton did it again and becomes only the second Englishman to win the F1 championship for a third time. His predecessor was of course the great Jackie Stewart who took the tiles in 1969, 1971 and 1973.

Well done Lewis and the Mercedes Team. Any chance of a 4th next year?

Lewis Hamilton
Freedom of Panorama is saved!
10th July 2015

This one had me dumb struck! Some bright spark in the E.U. wanted to remove the right for all of us to take photos of public views... things you can see from a public location such as the street to park.

Happily, with the help of 500,000 signatures from Change.org, the ruling was overturned.

Another Hero Passes
12th March 2015

Sir Terry Pratchett died today aged just 66 following a long battle with Alzheimer's.

While his books passed me by as a child, I came to know him later in life as a wise, intelligent and talented man who was well worth listening to.

I hope that whatever world he ends up in, be it Disk shaped or not, I truly wish him well.
